Wildwood Alchemy Rules
— Wildwood Alchemy customs are complete surprises, and will include at least two colors.
— Wildwood Alchemy customs have limited availability, and listings may be taken down to catch up on queue from time to time. To keep up with availability, keep a lookout on our social media or newsletter!
— Wildwood Alchemy customs are items that are made to order. Lead time is 2-8 weeks, which is not including shipping and transit times.
— You will be able to choose model, size, firmness and the pricing will be equivalent to the base price of the inventory stock.
— Listings for Wildwood Alchemy customs will include photos of the toy model. They do not depict what your final toy will look like.
— Wildwood Alchemy customs will be a chance for artisan experiments, and the pours will be one-of-a-kind in any kind of configuration: wispy marbles, tight ribbon marbles, chunky marbles, splits, stripes, fades, highlights, drips, etc etc...
— Wildwood Alchemy customs will NOT include handpainted details.
— Color requests, requests for UV-reactive colors or glow-in-the-dark colors, color placements and pour styles for Wildwood Alchemy customs will not be honored. Such requests will be declined and refunded.
— If certain colors or aesthetics is important to you, Wildwood Alchemy customs might not be for you and we suggest purchasing inventory stock instead.
— We do not offer our whole catalogue for Wildwood Alchemy customs. Please refer to our listings for current available lineup.
— There will be no refunds, repours or "buyer's remorse" if your item did not turn out as expected. The general 2 hours cancellation rule will apply. We will not show any previews before sending out your item(s).
— Please read the Wildwood Alchemy TOS before purchasing!